HOWTO export private key from bitcoin-qt
I’ve been struggling with exporting my private key from bitcoin-qt a little bit, so now when I successfully done it, I’m going to describe those steps here. I had old wallet.dat and switched to Electrum wallet, but after MININGCO.ETF closure I received some funds into my old wallet, so there was need to get them out.…
Howto clear defaults to get Fake Camera running again
Quick note: please use Google plus community for asking a questions. I like to read reviews of my applications on Google Play, especially those with suggestions and questions :). Last few days I’m getting more and more questions like this one for Fake Camera Won’t open on kik When I tried to send a pic…
Howto access recent query suggestions on Android and populate ListView with them
I’m working on search activity for Beermapa and because I did not find any topic covering reading access to SearchRecentSuggestions and I needed to load saved suggestions and fill a ListView with them, so I did some research and wrote this post. What I want to achieve is an input for writing search query, which…
Vanitygen a import adresy do Bitcoin-QT na MacOS
Dlouho jsem nic nenapsal a protože jsem si právě vygeneroval novou krásnou (1SHM12iG4KPRs54CxjLsCwbvnMJp4bMh5) Bitcoinovou adresu (jo, mohlo to být lepší, ale není na to výkon) na Mackovi za pomocí Vanitygenu, poznamenám si tu postup. Zdrojáky Vanitygenu je možné stáhnout z GitHubu, kde by měl být i Makefile pro Macka. Problém je v tom, že Macek…
Custom ROM a Samsung Galaxy S2
Už je to rok a půl, co jsem majitelem v nadpise uvedené hračky. Mimo úvodních pár měsíců, kdy jsem byl nadšen rychlostí systému (v porovnání s G1), jsem na telefon permanentně nadával a v poslední době to gradovalo do takových extrémů (touha rozmlátit telefon, komunitu i google), že jsem se konečně přinutil věnovat odpoledne nahrání…
Import scripts architecture, pt. II
First post of this series ended with code snippet, which invokates importAction itself. It’s not still the importing itself, but we are almost there. This post will be about what happenes, what hapened before and what is going to happen :-). But first things first, let’s have a look on Factory and Proxy pattern, which…
Import scripts architecture
It has been some time since last post about import scripts from external sources to alfresco repository, I was busy with debugging and threading, but now I have some little time to write some notes on that topic again. I’d like to introduce „architecture“ of my solution, at least a first part of it, so…
Custom configs in Alfresco
While creating import services I want some configuration mechanism for (not just) BatchProcessor. I like Alfresco’s *-config-custom.xml files (aka Spring framework XMLConfigService), so I did simple custom config service. Anyone, who customized Alfresco, knows format of this file (web-client-config-custom.xml). I put that structure to new file – mis-config-custom.xml: [code lang=“xml“] <alfresco-config> <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="imports"> <processor>…
More on invoking scripts in Alfresco
In my last blogpost on this topic I wrote about invoking rhino scripts programatically from Alfresco and about passing its model into freemarker templates. After that I realized that alfresco templateService is unable to render more complex models (nested classes and collections) if called this way (please note on Alfresco webscripts invoked standard way this…
Invoking scripts in Alfresco programatically
I’m working on universal CRON runner, which runs scripts saved somewhere in repository (more on this next time). Running webscripts isn’t so easy, as I thought, there is no scriptService.runScriptWithThisDescription(path) method, so I did some research and got some results, which I’d like to share. It’s possible to run java backed actions from js-webscripts. Everything you…