Rubrika: Programování

  • Has properties webscript

    I did some other java based webscript. From portlet flash application I need to get information about some user's permissions on object specified by nodeRef. So firstly I tried to do this via JavaScript based webservice, but there are no tools to do this.

  • Libisemi, tvorba bookmarkletu

    Pro potřeby libisemi, "prvního asociálního sociálního serveru" jsem potřeboval vytvořit bookmarklet. Protože to však nešlo udělat jednoduše, jako odeslání adresy pomocí GETu, protože na straně serveru používám framework CakePHP a v něm user friendly URLs ve formátu http://domain/controller/action/param. V tomto případě bych jako parametr nemohl předat http adresu. Z toho důvodu jsem byl nucen poslat…

  • Custom „modify content properties dialog“

    There is this dialog present in Alfresco (edit-content-properties.jsp), but I wanted to write my own and also describe things I discovered during playing with browseBean.

  • Alfresco Quick upload

    In Alfresco there is no simple way to modify uploading code. You can't just copy and customize org.alfresco.web.bean.content.AddConteneDialog class and /jsp/content/add-content-dialog.jsp ie you can use add-content-dialog.jsp and modify it, but when you try to use AddContentDialog class updated in your project, it doesn't work. I found somewhere on forums (sry, i can't find a link)…

  • iCal export implementation for Alfresco

    For my vcf planning calendar, which is partially described in my Bachelor's thesis, I made function, which does export to iCal calendar format. I used Jav-backed WebScript at Alfresco side and iCal4j library for implementation of RFC 2445 standard – iCalendar.

  • Moderní webové aplikace

    Dovoluji si prilozit k nahlednuti mou bakalarku. Anotace je uvedena dale, prace je ke stazeni ve formatu PDF, mirne oklestena od smlouvy… 

  • Hacking Alfresco, III

    In last article I wrote about defining custom actions in Alfresco, in this one i want to continue with simple custom dialog triggered by this action.

  • Hacking Alfresco, II

    My second try was to create some custom action in some menu or bar and to view a simple dialog in Alfresco UI triggered by this action. There are topics covering this theme in Alfresco wiki too (see Custom Action UI and Dialog Framework) for detailed informations. But i wanted to create a simple and…

  • Hacking Alfresco

    There are many wiki pages at Alfresco dev sites, but no working simple excercises at all. At these days i'm playing with this CMS/DMS, so i'll try to collect some remarks about actions i'm doing, maybe it'll be helpful for someone. So, i'm experimenting with Content Metadata Extracters with intention to create some kind of…

  • Cache control a Internet Explorer

    Koncem minulého týdne, kdy jsem musel dobrovolně do mnou vyvíjeného systému pro plánování konferencí implementovat bezpečností chybku, aby byl prohlížeč Internet Explorer schopný zobrazit stránky korektně jsem dneska zanadával opět na téma internet exploreru.