Štítek: java

  • Moderní webové aplikace

    Dovoluji si prilozit k nahlednuti mou bakalarku. Anotace je uvedena dale, prace je ke stazeni ve formatu PDF, mirne oklestena od smlouvy… 

  • Hacking Alfresco, III

    In last article I wrote about defining custom actions in Alfresco, in this one i want to continue with simple custom dialog triggered by this action.

  • Hacking Alfresco, II

    My second try was to create some custom action in some menu or bar and to view a simple dialog in Alfresco UI triggered by this action. There are topics covering this theme in Alfresco wiki too (see Custom Action UI and Dialog Framework) for detailed informations. But i wanted to create a simple and…

  • Hacking Alfresco

    There are many wiki pages at Alfresco dev sites, but no working simple excercises at all. At these days i'm playing with this CMS/DMS, so i'll try to collect some remarks about actions i'm doing, maybe it'll be helpful for someone. So, i'm experimenting with Content Metadata Extracters with intention to create some kind of…

  • České Dráhy? Ale fuj!

    Když už mám dneska takovou prudicí náladu, přidám jeden zážitek (nejenom) z dnešního rána.