Rubrika: Programování

  • Custom configs in Alfresco

    While creating import services I want some configuration mechanism for (not just) BatchProcessor. I like Alfresco’s *-config-custom.xml files (aka Spring framework XMLConfigService), so I did simple custom config service. Anyone, who customized Alfresco, knows format of this file (web-client-config-custom.xml). I put that structure to new file – mis-config-custom.xml: [code lang=“xml“] <alfresco-config> <config evaluator="string-compare" condition="imports"> <processor>…

  • More on invoking scripts in Alfresco

    In my last blogpost on this topic I wrote about invoking rhino scripts programatically from Alfresco and about passing its model into freemarker templates. After that I realized that alfresco templateService is unable to render more complex models (nested classes and collections) if called this way (please note on Alfresco webscripts invoked standard way this…

  • Invoking scripts in Alfresco programatically

    I’m working on universal CRON runner, which runs scripts saved somewhere in repository (more on this next time). Running webscripts isn’t so easy, as I thought, there is no scriptService.runScriptWithThisDescription(path) method, so I did some research and got some results, which I’d like to share. It’s possible to run java backed actions from js-webscripts. Everything you…

  • Pozadí ubytovníčku

    Všichni chtějí přijít s nápadem, který změní svět, který vydělá miliony a já nevím, co ještě. Většina těchto nápadů končí rozčarováním, protože nejsou realizovatelé, nebo nejsou realizovatelné v podobě, jak si je dotyčný budoucí milionář představuje. To je v pořádku. Protože jsem už pár nápadů zkusil realizovat a neuspěl, zkusím v tomto miniseriálu představit kroky,…

  • Deleting workflows in Alfresco

    I tried to find out how to delete completed workflows in Alfresco, but I find no way to do that. I’m talking about HUGE number of completed workflows – a thousands. There are many questions on that topic, but no solution. I tried to play with Workflow console, also tried Alfresco Workflow Purge webscript by…

  • Creating rules programaticaly

    Nowadays I’ve been working on policies and triggering a behavior  based on user action, so I wanted to write about it, but I found more interesting stuff I did with it than triggering itself (which is by the way well described by Jeff Potts). I wanted a routine, which runs on every node created and…

  • Controller for views in root

    Yesterday while developping ukazbobra I realized, that I don’t know how to map controller for my index view in root of Spring MVC project. I searched and experimented a bit and here is a solution. Please note I’m using Spring Roo and annotation driven setup. First thing is to create controller, for example simple one…

  • Proc delam svou praci spatne?

    Jak tak sjizdim videa z letosniho brnenskeho Barcampu, chtel jsem okomentovat zaznam prednasky Jana Martinka (@endlife) – Proc delam svou praci spatne. Na komentar to vsak bylo moc dlouhe, tak to davam sem a trochu rozsiruju. Zacina casti nazvanou spatny odhad, kde rika neco jako „prihlasovani je jedna trida v modelu, to bude jednoduchy.“ Zminuje, jak…

  • Pisou judiste jako prasata?

    Zvykam si delat veci jednoduse. Byvaly doby, kdy jsem psal univerzalni kousky kodu, protoze „co kdyz nahodou nekdy“. Dlouze a zbytecne jsem ladil genericke tridy, metody pro ruzne jine obecne vstupy atd. V posledni dobe si vsimam, ze kdyz pisu rychle a jednoduse (neboli jako prase), vubec to nevadi – proste dany fragment napisu presne…

  • Adding columns to custom browse.jsp

    Last week I had to change browse.jsp view in alfresco and I need to add custom columns – attributes from my own data model. It’s pretty simple and I’ll explain that in this blogpost. I tried to do is as much simple as possible, so I removed all other view types but details and in…